Winters are for Recalibrating
After a busy season filled with dirt bikes, along with all the daily hustle that surrounds the sport, I am always thrilled to watch the leaves turn amber, and witness mother nature slowly descend into the darkness. This means I finally get a break from all the wonderful summertime chaos. I love summer and all the energy it brings into my life. But as I’m approaching my 40’s, I need my downtime. Like a flower, I bloom in the summer. June through August is when I experience the most vitality. And as the season comes to a close, I start losing my petals. I slowly retreat back into the soil, where I am able to gather my strength so that I can once again, bloom into the coming season ahead.

I experienced a huge mindset shift over the last year. I feel like I’m finally starting to hone in on my gifts, while also letting go of the things that aren’t meant for me, and being at peace with my situation. I had to dial things back on the dirt bike last season due to ongoing mystery issues with my hands, arms and lower back. But I’m not letting that stop me. The work continues even though I’m having to pivot. Change can be good, and I sense that this change in direction is just what my soul needs. Even though on the surface it may look like I’m dialling things back, deep down there is massive restructuring, and I’m very excited for this new path I’m on.
It’s early February now, and things are about to ramp up again. We finally have enough snow for sledding, and we are only a few days away from receiving the last part needed to fix my sled. I’m excited to get back in the saddle. The days are getting longer, and the sun is calling my name. The nourishment I’ve given myself over the last few months has without a doubt paid off. I feel renewed and fit for the season ahead. I am full of enthusiasm, and eager to see where this new direction will bring me. I’m ready to break the mold and carve my own path. I’m no longer flooded with a sense of urgency as I truly enjoy the day to day process. The gratitude and excitement for life is profound!

Good times in the bush!
Always a good time with you my love!